Sunday 4 October 2009

The Useless Boycott

When the racist countries boycott the United Nations global anti-racism conference

The so-called rich nations have already planned everything for the failure of the Durban Review, otherwise the United Nations global anti-racism conference. Before the conference started in Geneva, many racist countries such as Australia, Canada, Germany, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland and the United States announced openly they couldn’t take part, over misunderstandings with the draft final or ironically because of the participation of the Iranian president.

Let me begin with two disclaimers. First, everybody knows that racism was the same cause of the holocaust, the colonialism, and the slavery. Why do the rich nations always listen to Israel and refuse to do the same with the different parts, which suffered the consequences of the damned transatlantic slavery? The same hatred is still around the world: the ill treatment of the Afro-immigrants, the modern slavery, different kinds of human exploration by man, and some tribal wars around this planet.

But hypocrisy is still flying over our heads, as it was impossible for many Black journalists including myself to get sponsorship so that they can attend this conference, because these racist countries have already blocked all kind of means facilitating the access to Geneva. Second, the useless boycott is to avoid demonstrations against Israel as some country authorities tried to justify their position, which doesn’t have any fundament. Among them, others have childish behavior, or are even irresponsible walking out during the conference; “We wanted to make a point already today. We agreed during a teleconference last night that our ambassadors would leave if Iran’s president went off the rails. He did and they left,” says Per Stig Møller the Foreign Minister

They do know that the Africans and the Afro-descendants are going to demonstrate with the slogan of Reparations for the transatlantic slavery and colonialism. The Iranian President’s speech could be considered as a kind of scapegoat used by these racist authorities of the western countries. It’s really unbearable and ridiculous at the same time, because the question of Israelo-Palastienian is not mentioned in the draft. So, why do they boycott? Are they worried about other relevant issues, such as the demanding for the historical and humanitarian reparation for the Africans, the African Diaspora, and the Indigenous? Transatlantic Slavery has its consequences until today: the poverty of the African countries and its Diaspora must be resolved throughout the Reparations debate and harsh battle in the field of the international arena like the United nations, the only organism able and credible to implement valuable declarations for all the member nations. That’s why this boycott planned by some western nations could be considered as a waste of time and irresponsibility, because all of them were in Durban in 2001 where the first document was elaborated.

Nowadays, racism is a big concern around the world. How can the world solve this problem whereas some nations, thinking they are better than the others and don’t want to listen to them? But for the Afro-Brazilians and the Indigenous of Brazil, the discussion about the Reparations is crucial. That’s why the New Pan-Africanist Movement joined by the Brazilian Indigenous Convention created a new movement for Reparation on March 20 of this year at the Brazilian Press Association to create the Movement for Reparations. The aim of this new movement is to promote more dialogues between the authorities and the social movements (Afro-Brazilian and Indigenous) pro-Reparations.